Dinmont Lane Re-surfacing
Starting on Monday the 3rd of April, the back lane between Dinmont Road and Shawlands Academy will be getting re-surfaced. The lane will be closed for 3-5 days.
The neighbours backing onto and closest to the lane have been leafleted and the schools, Shawlands Church and Waverley Park Medical Practice have all been given the information.
The re-surfacing is being funded by a Lanes Improvement grant, applied for by the Waverley Park Collective. The council are aware of the details of the work and everything has been arranged with the contractor - Roadlay - for bin access and traffic management etc.
If you have any questions, please get in touch (waverleyparkcollective@gmail.com) and we'll help put you in contact with the Dinmont Road neighbours or anyone else you need to speak to.
The committee are happy to lend a hand if any other groups of neighbours are planning to apply for any funding.