Traffic - all streets
Approx 2,600 vehicles every weekday enter Waverley Park
GCC 2017
up to 70% of drivers exceed the 20mph speed limit on the Drives
GCC 2017
Click on the image to zoom in for traffic flows on all Waverley Park streets for which traffic data is available.
It shows that through traffic impact is most prevalent on Ravenswood Drive and Dinmont Road. Other streets, particularly St Ronan's Drive also show levels of traffic that exceed what would be expected on a residential street. Unfortunately no data is available for Durward Avenue, Woodstock Avenue or Nigel Gardens. Anecdotally Durward Avenue is also affected by through traffic. Collecting further data is part of the Liveable Streets consultants' commission.
2017 Glasgow City Council data is available for Ravenswood Drive, Midlothian Drive and St Ronan's Drive.
2020 Glasgow City Council data (during the Covid pandemic) is available for all streets shown.
To permit a direct comparison of 'normal' or pre-Covid traffic flows for all streets, 2017 is considered a better baseline (assuming traffic will return to similar levels after the pandemic).
On those streets with both data sets, 2017 traffic flows are higher than 2020 by a factor of 1.8. Therefore the values for streets numbered 7 thru 14 have been derived using the following calculation: Covid (2020) traffic data multiplied by 1.8 equals 'normal' or pre-Covid (2017) traffic data.
This calculation was made on Dinmont Road, Peveril Avenue, Kenilworth Avenue and the bottom end of Midlothian Drive.
Ravenswood Drive
80% of drivers exceed the 20mph speed limit
WPC 06/16
61-70mph highest speed recorded
GCC 04/17
In June 2016 we conducted a two-hour mid-afternoon speed survey on Ravenswood Drive. 153 vehicle speeds were recorded giving a flavour of the problem.
Glasgow City Council conducted a seven-day speed and volume survey in April 2017. Their survey recorded 9,745 vehicles per week.
We summarise the main findings of each here.
WPC 06/16
WPC 06/16
Glasgow City Council's April 2017 survey recorded 70% of drivers exceeding the speed limit.
WPC 06/16
Glasgow City Council's April 2017 survey recorded the mean speed as 23mph, the 85th %ile speed as 30mph and the top speed as between 61 and 70mph. However GCC vehicle speeds were recorded in bands rather than exact speeds.
over 1,500 vehicles on Ravenswood Drive every weekday
GCC 04/17
97% of vehicles is through traffic
WPC calc based on an assumption of 50% of the 55 households undertaking 2 car trips daily