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"Help make Waverley Park an even better place for people of all ages to live, learn and move"

Waverley Park is a residential community of families, friends and neighbours in Shawlands, on the Southside of Glasgow. It's a great wee area full of helpful people and friendly characters. 

The Waverley Park Collective is a group of residents whose aim is to

"help make Waverley Park an even better place for people of all ages to live, learn and move"  

Waverley Park Collective AGM Minutes
You can find the minutes from this year's AGM in the News and Events section, or by clicking here

Get Involved

Help make Waverley Park an even better place for all ages to live, learn and move in.


The Liveable Streets project allows the community to decide what the streets should look and feel like. 


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